别名:潮湿青春 / chaoshiqingchun


on their futures, Sam is stuck in the past, unable to move forward. She still clings onto the memory of her older sister Emily, who tragically died a year ago. Sam’s parents try their best to support her through this difficult time, but they too are grieving and struggling to cope with their loss. They encourage Sam to join a grief support group at school, hoping it will help her find closure and move on. Reluctantly, Sam agrees. At the first meeting of the support group, Sam meets Jake – a quiet and brooding 15-year-old boy who has also experienced loss in his life. The two instantly connect over their shared pain and become fast friends. As Sam spends more time with Jake and attends the grief support group meetings regularly, she begins to open up about her feelings surrounding Emily’s death. Through sharing her story with others who understand firsthand what she’s going through, she starts to heal slowly but surely. Meanwhile, an unexpected friendship blossoms between Sam’s parents and Jake’s dad – another member of the grief support group. Together they form a makeshift family unit that supports one another through their shared experiences of loss. Through swimming lessons – a recurring theme throughout the film – Sam learns not only how to swim but also how to let go of her grief. As she becomes stronger physically in the pool, she also becomes emotionally stronger outside of it. By the end of spring term, Sam is no longer stuck in the past; instead, she embraces new possibilities for herself and acknowledges that while Emily may be gone physically from her life forever, her spirit will always live on within her.


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